April: Honesty
Honesty Family Letters
Honesty K-2 Reading List

Eli's Lie-O-Meter by Sandra Levins; Jeffrey Ebbeler
Even though Eli knows the difference between pretending and real facts, he learns an important lesson of telling the truth and consequences for his fibs.

The Boy Who Cried Wolf by B. G. Hennessy; Boris Kulikov
A retelling of the timeless fable, where a bored shepherd boy thinks "nothing ever happens here" and decides to cry that a wolf is after his sheep. People come to help but soon realize it was a trick.

Too Many Tamales by Gary Soto; Ed Martinez
While Maria is making tamales with her mother, she tries on her mother's beautiful diamond ring. Later she realizes the ring is missing and panics. Maria and her cousins come up with a plan to eat all the tamales to find it. Will Maria tell the truth about her mistake.
Available on Bookflix

Ruthie and the (Not So) Teeny Tiny Lie by Laura Rankin
When Ruthie, who loves teeny tiny things, finds a teeny tiny camera on the playground, will she claim it as hers? What will happen when the camera's real owner confronts her?

What James Said by Liz Rosenberg; Matthew Myers
What did James really say? And does the silent treatment work when there's a misunderstanding among friends?

The Secret Olivia Told Me by N. Joy; Nancy Devard
Are secrets made to be kept or shared? What happens when a friend slips and shares the secret? More importantly, is there a secret about trustworthiness, friendship and Honesty that we can learn from this treasure?

Becoming Vanessa by Vanessa Brantley-Newton
Follow along with Vanessa as she learns the important lesson of being proud of who she is, even if she stands out (especially if she stands out!)

David Gets in Trouble by David Shannon
When David gets in trouble, he has excuses right up until bedtime, when he realizes he really is sorry.

The Wolf Who Cried Boy by Bob Hartman; Tim Raglin; Bob Hartman
Little Wolf is tired of eating lamburgers and sloppy does, but when he tricks his parents into thinking there is a boy in the woods, they could all miss a chance for a real feast.
Honesty 3-5 Reading List

The Empty Pot by Demi
In this classic, the King, who loved flowers, wants to find the successor to his throne, so he gives the children in his kingdom a seed to see who can grow the best flower. Ping, a young master gardener himself, thinks he's got this, but try as he might, he can't get his seed to grow. Will Ping end up winning?
Watch on Storyline Online!

The Lunch Thief by Anne C. Bromley; Robert Casilla
Is stealing ever okay? The Lunch Thief isn't stealing just to be dishonest; he's stealing out of hunger and homelessness. Expect this treasure to generate a tasty discussion.

Touchdown Trouble by Fred Bowen
Sam's football team is undefeated and wins the game by a touchdown. But later they watch a video of the game and realize it was scored illegally. Now Sam's team is divided on what they should do, tell the truth and lose the game or keep quiet.

The Honest-To-Goodness Truth by Patricia C. McKissack; Giselle Potter
Libby feels like the whole world is mad at her ever since she started telling the truth. Throughout this story, students will sympathize with Libby as she figures out that there's a right and wrong way to tell the truth.

Otherwise Known As Sheila the Great by Judy Blume
To figure out who she really is, Sheila has to start by being honest with herself. It's okay to be afraid of spiders, swimming, and dogs! What will it take for Shelia to admit to her friend Mouse Ellis and herself that she's only human?

A Bike Like Sergio's by Maribeth Boelts; Noah Z. Jones
When Rueben sees a dollar fall out of a stranger's purse, he must make a decision about what to do. Watch as the story unfolds and Rueben's decision suddenly gets even bigger! Will he be Honest?

Loser by Jerry Spinelli
This inspiring story is about how being yourself just might lead to an incredible life!